What is Ayurveda?Ayurveda the science of life. Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge. Originating in India and dating back over 5000 years. It is a...
Singing Bowls - Magical SoundHave you ever heard a singing bowl? Felt its vibration moving through your hand into your body? The incredible sense of well-being, of...
Chaturanga Dandasana aka THE PLANKChatur = 4 Anga = limbs Danda = stick, staff Asana = posture Four Limb Staff Posture Why walk the plank? Want some sweet arms? Strong...
Child Pose (Balasana or Garbhasana)Sometimes… sigh… sometimes I just want to curl into a ball and cry. It’s life. It happens. We get overwhelmed, things don’t turn out...